Medium-Expert Mario Kart Quiz

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This quiz will range from medium difficulty questions to expert difficulty questions regarding the Mario Kart series. Can you get each question correct?

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Created by: e le fishe
  1. Which of the following Double Dash tracks is NOT visible from Mushroom Bridge?
  2. How many tracks from Mario Kart 7 did not appear in Tour?
  3. Which of these characters was not cut during the development of a Mario Kart game?
  4. Which Yoshi colour is not playable in Mario Kart 8?
  5. Which of these tracks has two prototype music themes to its name?
  6. Which of these tracks DOES exist in Mario Kart Tour?
  7. Through the use of glitch shortcuts, which Mario Kart 64 track has achieved the fastest 3lap time?
  8. Which of the following tracks was speculated to have been cut from Mario Kart 8's DLC? (Wii U)
  9. Who is the Japanese Announcer for Mario Kart 64?
  10. Which of these goofs appears in Wii Dry Dry Ruins?

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