Medicine Cat Warrior Quiz

This quiz tells if you know your herbs.It gives you funny results, telling you``kit in the Nursery`` to ``full-fledged Medicine Cat. Do you know enough to help your clan?

Can you recite herbs and their purpose? Have you read the Warrior series? I can also make a warrior quiz to see if you are a fighter or an herb collector.

Created by: Isabelle Saunders
  1. What does Spottedleaf do for Firestar in the very last book?
  2. Who found the Moonpool?
  3. Why do ShadowClan Medicine Cats use Deathberries on their patients?
  4. Why do Medicine Cats use sticks when a cat is giving birth?
  5. What is Marigold used for?
  6. What does the warrior code say to Medicine Cats?
  7. How does Cinderpelt die?
  8. How are Burdock and Wild Garlic the same?
  9. What is a substitute for cobwebs?
  10. Which is found mostly in marshy areas?
  11. What is Leafpool`s secret?

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