Mario Characters or Sonic Characters

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Thank you for choosing this quiz. You can now be notifed how much you know about Mario and Sonic. So be ready to take a quiz fo awesomeness. Get ready.

You are about to take my quiz. Be prepared. You WILL be challenged. Don't have unluck bad karma. So I say this to you, Quiz Taker, to not cry about this. Good luck.

Created by: Sonic

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What are the main bosses in both Sonic and Mario?
  2. How many coins and rings can you get maximum?
  3. What is Sonic's wolf form?
  4. What is Mario's favorite friend?
  5. Luigi is to Mario as ____ is to ____. Fill the blanks.
  6. Who loves Mario?
  7. Who loves Sonic?
  8. Doe Mario have a wolf form?
  9. When does Sonic become Sonic the Werehog?
  10. What is Sonic's nickname for Light Gaia?

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