Magic and Boys Part 32

Alright guys. Part 32!! Some new characters! I hope you like it and if you don't let me know so I can change a few things. I really love making this series and It's almost over.

Even though I've been working on it since last March! :P Well, anywhore, Enjoy, comment, tell me if you like or don't like the characters. Be pateint.(:

Created by: fireprincess1996
  1. Okaii if you get max in the results and you see "congratulations you got Alex" ignore the "Alex" I messed up again -.-
  2. You walk into the cafeteria with Lilah and Syllabell. Again, all eyes were on you again. "We don't often get new people." Lilah explained. "Come on, we'll show you where we sit." Syllabell says with a smile. "Okie dokie." you say looking around for Sam, Phenix, or any of the guys. Lilah and Syllabell grabs each of your hand and leads you over to a pretty crowded table in the back of the cafeteria. You saw Sam, Fang, Alex, Max, Phenix, and a couple people you didn't recognize. [______] smiled when we saw you. "So you decided to join the party after all huh?" he asks. You blush and nod. His smile gets bigger and he pulls you close and your lips meet. You both close your eyes and kiss each other hungrily and passionately. You think you may even felt his tounge! There was whistling and a few people shouted words like "Whoo!" "Sexxy!" "More please?" you both pull away laughing. Your heart is beating so fast and your face his red. You can't stop grinning like an idiot.
  3. "Yo! Babe! I'm Nakia Jae." Says a girl with black hair, a lip peircing, nose peircing, and eyebrow peircing. She has Peircing green eyes that almost look into yours. She's just as beautiful as Lilah and Syllabell. A guy with light brown hair with red and blonde streaks through it and his lip peirced and both sides of his nose peirced. "I'm Zaine." He said giving you a hug. "Hey." You say. A guy with black hair and his eyebrow peirced looks at you. "I'm Atreyu." He says. "My fianceeee." Nakia jae adds adding E's on Fiance. You smile at her. "Congrads." You say with a smile. You just met these guys but you feel as if you've known them your whole life.. Weird huh? "So tell me babe, How'd you end up hanging with these guys?" Nakia asks. "Well, they kinda of.. Kidnapped me." You say blushing. "Yeah, seems like something they'd do." Atreyu says. "Yeah, but they did it for a good reason." Lilah says with a smile. You smile back. You notice Syllabell isn't around now.. You wonder where she went. All of a sudden she runs up to Nakia Jae and says, "Dude! Krisha says you're too chicken to fight her and that you're a fake and that you stuff your bra and that your a big fat slut that's using Atreyu." She says with wide eyes. Nakia has her pissed face on and starts shaking her head. "I'm gonna beat her ass!" She yells. "Oh, this should be fun!" Sam says and everyone agree's. You all start following Nakia to a girl with dark brown hair, too short of a dress, and her face is covered in make-up. She doesn't notice you guys walk up and she's still talking about Nakia and you hear your word in a few sentences. Nakia waits a couple minutes before saying, "Hey Krisha! Guess what!" Krisha turns around. "Yeah bi-" She doesn't get to finish because Nakia cocked her hand back and punched Krisha.
  4. You heard a crunch as Krisha fell to the ground, blood squirting out of her nose. Everyone fell silent and started to crowd around you guys. Nakia Jae was shaking, her eyes narrowing. "Come on, Krisha. Thought you wanted to fight me?" She says calmly but you could tell she was close to blacking out. Krisha got up, pure hate in her eyes. She punched Nakia, hard enough that her head turned and you could hear her neck pop. Nakia smiled though. "Now we're making progress!" She said c--- punting Krisha. Krisha fell to her kneee's and looked up at Nakia, but she seemed to be glowing in a sort of way. It was a dark grey color. A smug smirk on her face, Krisha stands up and jumps in the air the same time Nakia backs up. All you heard as clothes ripping and a hiss and there was a Jet black dragon with red down it's spine in Krisha's place and a dark brown, close to black, wolf in Nakia's place. This is getting juicy, you think.
  5. Nakia's eyes narrowed as she snarled baring her teeth. Krisha was flying above as if she was too scared to come down, but after a minute she landed on the ground with a thud. Nakia took that moment to run at Krisha, but Krisha flung out her wing causing Nakia to slam into the wall pretty hard. She fell to the ground and but got up pretty fast. You looked over at Atreyu. He looked pretty uneasy. "Hey, are you okay?" You ask. He nods. "Yeah, Just worried about my Jae Jae. But I know she can handle herself." Atreyu says with a smile. You smile back and look back at Nakia and Krisha. Nakia had her mouth around Krisha's neck, her fangs deep in there and blood running down Krisha's arm. All of a sudden the door's burst open and slammed against the wall. "Enough!" A voice boomed. You all turn and see Raven. Except Raven, isn't so, well, Raven. Her eyes are darker and her hairs flowing in an invisable breeze that isn't there. And her face is even more cruel than it was, still she was everything you could imagine. Everyone started running past her towards the door like they were afraid of her. You didn't get it. "Come on!" Lilah and Syllabell grabbed each of your wrists and started dragging you towards the door. "Wait!" You yell and look back to see Nakia and Krisha are back in their real forms giving each other full on death glares. "Stop! I'm not leaving without Nakia!" You say pulling out of their grip. You weren't sure why, but you just weren't going to leave that cafiteria without her.
  6. Lilah and Syllabell look at you with wide eyes. "No, You're coming with us." Lilah says. "No, I'm sorry, but I'm staying with Nakia." You say, "Come on Lilah.. She'll meet us with Nakia. They'll be okay." Syllabell reasures her. After what seems like forever, Lilah nods and lets go of your hand. She pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear, "Be careful." You nod and wonder why you would have to be careful. You walk back toward Krisha and Nakia. Raven was already there practiclly yelling already. "You know the rules! No fighting against each other like this!" She says. Than adds in a calm voice, "I know you two are so different. I really do." Nakia notices you but doesn't say anything. "Plus," Raven says in a harder voice, "you can use the training room to practice your powers and skills against each other." "Whatever. I'm outta here." Krisha says in her high voice that gets so annoying. Krisha walks to the doors before turning around and saying, "Plus Nakia, I so had you in my grip." You walk to Nakia and you both crack up laughing. "Please! You were nearly fainting! Yeah, You totally had her in YOUR grip alright." You say and Nakia laughs harder. "Just wait new girl." Krisha says and walks through the girl. "Just you wait new girl!" Nakia mimicks in a high voice between laughs. This causes you to laugh harder. "Alright you two, go and Nakia, try to stay out of trouble." Raven says in her normal unusually calm voice. Her features had returned to how they were when you met her and she smiled a little. You and Nakia nod and walk towards the door. "Come on, lets go to my room." You say. "Sure, babe." Nakia says. Nakia really must like calling you babe. You smile. "Yeah, Chikie." You say.
  7. Once you get to the hallway leading to your room, You see Sam, Fang, Max, Alex, Lilah, Syllabell, Zaine, and Atreyu standing outside your door. Immediatly Atreyu runs up to Nakia and throws his arms around Nakia Jae and whispers something in her ear and he picks her up and swings her around. She giggles and smiles. "Jesus, guys! [_______], do you even known what could have happend to you?!" Alex says. "Uhm.. Pass..?" You say. Alex gives you a look that says "This isn't a joke." "Look, I'm sorry. But I wasn't gonna leave there without Nakia.." You say. "Oh, yeah we noticed." Lilah says with a smile. As you unlock the door and walk in with everyone trailing behind you, you smile back. "So, What now?" You ask ploping down on your bed. "We can go to the mall? I need some more clothes and I know you do too, babe." Nakia says. "Sure!" You say. You havn't been to the mall since, well since the guys kidnapped you. It feels so long since than. "I want to go to the mall too!" Syllabell says and Lilah and Sam agreed. "Alright! Lets go girls!" Nakia says heading for the door.
  8. Everyone leaves the room and you lock the door. [______] Hugs you tight and whispers in your ear, "Be careful." You nod and you give him a quick kiss. Once you girls get outside you stop and think. "Hey, wait. How are we supossed to get there? No car." You say. Nakia laughs making Lilah and Syllabell and Sam. "Babe, You can transport places." She says. "Oh yeah.." You say and laugh. "Kay, grab onto my arm." You say and they do so. You close your eyes and picture the mall. When you open your eyes you're standing a couple feet from it. This was getting easier. No one notices that you just transported there so you guys walk in. "Where to first?" Sam asks. "Off The Wall?" Syllabell suggests. "Sure, lets go!" Nakia says and starts running up the escalator. You guys follow her and Nakia stops suddenly at the top causing you to tackle her. You guys crack up laughing and stand up. You all start walking around. "There it is!" You point out. You guys walk in and start looking around. Off The Wall has all kinds of things. From jewlery to shirts, to pants, to bags. Nakia stops in front of a bag with bears on it and peice signs. "I want it!" She says and grabs it. It was the only one they had. She went up and pays for it. You and Lilah look at the bracelets and you get matching I Heart Boobies Bracelets. "Well, I'm done here, what about you guys?" You say. They nod. "Where to now?" Lilah asks. "Hot topic?" Syllabell says. "Yesh!" Sam says. You walk out of Off The Wall and start searching for Hot Topic. Finally you find it. The mall is closing soon so you guys hurry. You and Nakia got matching rainbow tutu's. You got some cool Band T-shirts. Some cd's and Syllabell got a tutu with skulls on them with matching hightops. Sam got purple skinny jeans and you got orange skinny jeans and you got red converse and Syllabell and Lilah got matching Dubstep shirts. By the time you pay and walk out the mall is closing.
  9. It's dark outside and there is a full moon. Everyone starts to grab onto your arm when theres a loud peircing scream. "Don't say anything.. Just get us out of here.." Sam whispers in your ear. All of you are terrified. There's shouting and another scream. A dark shadow appears across the parking lot and it heads towards you guys. Everyones clutching on to you and you franticly try to picture the hq. "Hurry!" Nakia says. This must not be any human. You all felt a weird presence. It made you want to cry. You quickly close your eyes and will the picture of your room to come to your mind. When you feel them let you you open your eyes. You're back in your room. But you all still feel that weird feeling. You see Lilah wipe a tear from her face. "Lets all just sleep in here tonight." Syllabell says. You all agree. Sam puts in a movie and you guys all change into some pj's and cuddle up on the bed. You and Nakia were cuddling and Lilah was cuddling up to your back and Syllabell was doing the same to Nakia and Sam was sleeping on the end of the bed, curled up in a ball.
  10. You're underwater. Or so it seems. You heard voices that sounded muffled as if you Were underwater. You could only make out parts like, "Going to find her." and "I won't let her get hurt." and "She's too dangerous." You were confused and you look around to find you ARE underwater. Your hairs floating around and you're sinking lower and lower. You hear a girls voice, shouting. You hear your name clearly. It's like a whisper right by your ear. There's voices coming from everywhere now. And you see something swimming towards you. You got the same feeling as you did at the mall and you begin thrashing around in the water but you don't move. You can feel yourself moving but you actually aren't. You hear your name again, only it isn't your name. "Atreyu." A girl whispers. You're eye's flash open. You're covered in sweat. It's still dark in your room. "Atreyu.." Nakia whispers again. She's frowning. Must be having a bad dream. You glance at the clock. Its 4:43 am. All of a sudden Nakia sits up with wide eyes. "Are you okay?" You ask. She looks at you and nods. "You had a bad dream too?" You ask. She gives a small smile. "Flash back." She says. "But tell me about your dream." She says. You tell her. "Wow. I don't know if it means anything.. But it could." She says. You nod. "Usually they do." You say. "Well, You're training starts today. Get dressed and we'll go eat than I'll help you." she says. You nod. "Alright." You say. You dig through your bags and you pick out your Girr shirt, Orange skinnys, and You're rainbow tutu. You notice Nakia was wearing her rainbow tutu as well. That made you happy. You put on your red converse and you went to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth. You go back out and leave the rest of the girls sleeping and you and Nakia Jae walked out of your room and down to the cafiteria. A couple people are down there. Krisha's not though. So that's good.
  11. You guys get some food, mostly bacon. You guys eat and talk. More people came in as the time went by. You don't say a word about when you were leaving the mall last night. When you guys were done eating you got coffee and put a lot of sugar in it. Once you guys chugged it you had to go to the bathroom really bad so you both ran to the restrooms and when your both done you wash your hands and all that stuff. You guys walk out and down the hall. After about 5 minutes of walking you stop in front of the training room. Nakia unlocks the door and opens it. It's empty of course. Raven must have told everyone you needed it. You and Nakia walk in. "Over in here is where all the equitment are. But what I've heard is that you're very good with weapons." Nakia says with a smile. "Yeah. My uncle taught me when I was little." You say. "No. He didn't teach you, you taught yourself. He just made it look like he taught you." Nakia says. You were confused. "What?" You say. "We all learn to use weapons, not by someone teaching us, but by us teaching ourselves. It comes naturally. It runs in our blood." Nakia says. "Oh," You say taking that in. "So, that's why today we're gonna work on your powers. You may think you're good now, but you're gonna be better." Nakia says. You nod. She goes to one end of the feild and you stay where you are. "Ready?" She hardly has to yell because her voice echoes off of the walls. You nod. "Yeah." "Alright." She says and transforms into a wolf. You stir up all of the elements inside you and you close your eyes. You open your eyes and whisper to yourself, "Here we go.."

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