Madame Lacola's Gift Test

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Hello, and welcome to this quiz. Thanks so much for stopping by. My name is Jade Kaestnar (@jadewritess) and I am an aspiring teen author. Recently, I finished editing my book Madame Lacola's School For Incredibly Gifted Children. I am thrilled to say that I will be submitting it for publication this March!

Madame Lacola's follows a variety of diverse children with ordinary Gifts and talents magnified to a magical extent. In this fantasy novel, Calia and her brother Will, the main characters, are thrust headfirst into a world of magic, secrets and ambivalence after they blow up their fourth school by accidentally using their powers among non-Gifteds. Of course, this test is just for fun, but it is an authentic replica of the Gift screening each student undertakes upon arrival at the Academy, written by the author herself to get them sorted into a correct house corresponding to their Gift. In the book, this test is administered by Dr. Rimera and her daughter, Corrine, both of whom are Sensors. Please enjoy!

Created by: Jade Kaestnar
  1. First off, what is your Origin of Gift?
  2. Next, what are your typical grades?
  3. Now, what do you spend most of your time doing?
  4. Random, but...what best describes your aesthetic?
  5. Alright, now time for some deeper questions; Are You A Perfectionist?
  6. Which of these is a nervous habit of yours (or most closely resembles it?)
  7. Which of these are your sets of flaws?
  8. Which of these is your best trait?
  9. Which of these describes your social life?
  10. Which of these represents your stress reaction?
  11. What's your enneagram? If you don't know it, look up which enneagrams match which MBTIs!
  12. Now, let's kick it back to an easy one, shall we? What's your favorite color?
  13. Alright, we're nearing the end, I you like reading?
  14. Aside from your actual Gift, what would your super power be?
  15. Do you dance?
  16. Do you get along with non-Gifteds? Are you persuasive? Are you a good writer? Do you have a good voice? Are you exceptionally attractive?
  17. Approximately how strong is your Gifted Aura (ie. how many areas have you blown up already?)
  18. Lastly, why did you take this quiz? (Will affect score)

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