Life Science: Semester 2 Finals (Part 2)

There is much to know in Part 2 of my awesome Life Science Semester 2 Finals quiz. Do you have all of that information in the Science book stored away in your brain?

Better make sure you know all about vertebrates and invertebrates, as well as animal behaviors, because a wonderful test is coming your way quite soon!

Created by: AlexanduhHi
  1. What is a trait that ALL animals do not share?
  2. What is a trait that ALL animals do share?
  3. What do scientists use when they classify animals?
  4. What is sexual reproduction?
  5. What is asexual reproduction?
  6. What is one of the differences between sexual and asexual reproduction?
  7. What is the role of earth worms in the soil?
  8. Classify each act of insects as being helpful or harmful to humans and the environment: Consumers of plants.
  9. Classify each act of insects as being helpful or harmful to humans and the environment: Prey for many other animals.
  10. Classify each act of insects as being helpful or harmful to humans and the environment: Break down wastes and bodies of dead organisms.
  11. Classify each act of insects as being helpful or harmful to humans and the environment: Food for humans.
  12. Classify each act of insects as being helpful or harmful to humans and the environment: Carry pollen among plants and act as pollinators.
  13. Classify each act of insects as being helpful or harmful to humans and the environment: Carry disease.
  14. Classify each act of insects as being helpful or harmful to humans and the environment: Biological control.
  15. What is the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates?
  16. What is the role of camouflage for an animal?
  17. What is the difference between an endotherm and an ectotherm?
  18. What are the stages of change for an anphibian called?
  19. In which stage do adult frogs reproduce sexually?
  20. In which stage do swimming tadpoles hatch from eggs?
  21. In which stage do hind legs develop?
  22. In which stage is the tail absorbed?
  23. In which stage do front legs develop?
  24. In which stage are eggs fertilized outside the female's body?
  25. What is the role of lightweight bones for birds?
  26. What is the role of birds in the environment?
  27. What makes the three mammal groups different from one another?
  28. The role of animal behaviors are almost always related to helping their _____.
  29. What is the difference between a stimulus and a response?
  30. What is an instinct?

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