Kotlc personality test

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Hi !As stated in the title this is a test meant to tell you which keeper of the lost cites character is most like youI hope you will enjoy this test ! (also I speak French so sorry if my sentences are not completely understandable)

I've done a lot of personality tests like this and always felt like I could guess which characters were associated with each answer, so don't be surprised if the questions are weird (and don't bother try to get a particular character there are pitfalls) ;)

Created by: Ninon
  1. If you were in kotlc, who might you have a crush on ?
  2. At school, what do you like best?
  3. What is your sexuality ?
  4. What p---ous do you use ?
  5. What kind of art do you prefer ?
  6. What is your favorite genre of film/series ?
  7. What is your favorite color(s) ?
  8. Which characters think they are most like you ?
  9. Choose an answer.
  10. How did you find this quiz ? (this question is just for me, it will not affect your results)

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