KOTLC Character Quiz

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KOTLC is the best, you won't convince me otherwise. So don't try. If you like KOTLC you should try out this quiz, you will love it I promise. Like yeah.This quiz is to find out what KOTLC character you would be.

You can be. Marella, my favorite charictar. Baina, the clothes crazy one. Dex, the techie one. Linh, the water girl. Fitz, the one that needs therapy. Alvar, the traitor. Tam, Bangs Boy. Sophie, the main character. Wylie and Keefe. Thankyou!

Created by: Ginger A. Zink
  1. Who is the best councilor?
  2. Who is the best Vacker?
  3. Is elwin a good character?
  4. Who you want to be?
  5. Marella is the best charictar
  6. Dex is a traitor
  7. What ability would you have?
  8. The coucil say "The elvin world is perfect" You say "_______"
  9. Do you ship - Sokeefe- Sofitz- Sodex- Soforkle
  10. Have you read KOTLC?
  11. Do you like this quiz? (This does effect who you get, choose wisely)
  12. Is Shannon messenger a total genius?

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