Keepin You...part ten

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The final chapter of the zombie love story. Who will you pick? Micheal, your best friend? Riley? Mr. Flirtatious? Caleb? Sweet and sensitive? Or Tyler, shy and cute?

credit where due: Thanks to saywhat1234---_ViolaLover_---sundaisy---ashbieber---! Thanks for commenting guys! Please comment on what my next one should be about and I'll mention your name!

Created by: katanasky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. So this is the final part. I'm finishing it. Please comment on what my next series should be about. I'm thinking about making it about running away with your best friend and his buddies to New York or something. Or I could make it about a werewolf pack. Let me know.
  2. Kass tells you who she likes... It's Riley. Actually, this is the third time she's said something. First it was Micheal and then Caleb and next it will be Tyler, she's just toying with you. you ignore her comment and continue getting dinner. You feel that tomorrow will be a hard day. Sometimes you can feel things like that. Your friend Micheal brushes past you letting his arm linger on yours. You get the hint and read his mind. (Can we kill Kass?) You grin and wave the knife you're holding at him. Kass looks at you in confusion. Only Micheal knows about your power. He plants a warm kiss on your cheek before grabbing a gun and heading down to the stream. Kass watches him disappear and her cold eyes turn on you. You steadily return the gaze. She replaces her scowl with a cheery put on smile. She circles her arm around your shoulder. "----, you know you only get one. I get one. There will be two left." she trails off and looks away as if she hadn't said anything. You glare at her, trying to focus after reading her mind. (She gets one, I get three.)
  3. After dinner everyone is sitting around the fire. You're in between Caleb and Riley. Riley leans towards you and whispers in your ear. "----, I think I'm in love with you," he says. He stands up and walks behind the tent, obviously wanting you to follow him. You follow him either to put him in his place or kiss him, depending on how you feel.
  4. He looks at you. Then he smiles and slips his arms around your waist. "Do you know how pretty you are in the moonlight?" he asked. Then his lips meet yours. His kiss is wild and daring and passionate. Micheal's is warm and familiar. Caleb's is gentle and elusive. Tyler's is tender but shy.
  5. Later that night, in the tent, you're stuck between Tyler, who snores and drools besides talking in his sleep, and Caleb, who hardly moves at all and you know it takes him forever to fall asleep. you roll over to face him to see him already staring at you with clear gray eyes. "Creep," you whisper. He smiles. "You're so pretty," he whispers, still smiling. His smiles are rare and amazing when you get one. "Why aren't you asleep?" you ask. "I'm thinking," he says. "about what?" you whisper. "You," he replied. He leaned toward you to brush his lips across yours lightly. "Go to sleep ----," he says.
  6. In the morning you realize that you're locked in someone's arms. It's Tyler. He's still asleep and not letting you get up. "Tyler?" you whisper, then you poke him. His sky blue eyes fly open. and lock on yours, blurry and drowsy. "huh?" he asks. "Tyler," you repeat. He holds you tight and grins. You read his mind. (Oh wow I can feel her boobs...) You stop reading his mind with a jerk. "Tyler!" you hiss. "what?" he asks, surprised. You roll your eyes. You drop your head on his chest and wait drowsily till you have to get up.
  7. Then you hear a stampede sound outside. Tyler sits up quickly. "Micheal!" he starts. "On it," he said, kicking Riley and pulling Caleb to his feet. they grab guns and rush outside. Kass sits terrified in the corner. "Kassandra come on!" you say, grabbing a gun and turning to go outside. she shakes her head and you ignore her. You know the tent isn't a very safe place to be but she stays anyway. You come outside to see the tent surrounded. Micheal and Caleb are firing and Tyler is loading his gun. riley is slipping around the tent. you pick up your gun and aim it at a zombie charging at him. To your surprise it hits him and he drops. The stench is unbearable, mainly rotting flesh and stale blood.
  8. You shoot and shoot, dropping a zombie every now and then. Caleb is the best shot and drops one every time. Micheal misses one every now and then. Tyler takes one every now and then and Riley is about as good as Micheal. You are by far the worst shot, but you try anyway. then zombie's empty eyes drill into you and their rotting skin makes you gag. Then it's all over. Everything is strangley silent. You want a breath of fresh air. You start shivering. Then Micheal's arms are around you. He holds you against his chest and rubs your back. "It's okay ----, everything's okay now," he whispered. Kass comes out of the tent and practically throws herself in Caleb's arms. You see the surprise in his eyes. He's not good with physical affection and especially if it's forced. He gives her an awkward hug before pulling out of her grasp. Riley sighs and Tyler takes a deep breath.
  9. You pull back and smile at Micheal. "I guess we're on the road again huh?" you ask. He grins.
  10. The boys all give you a hug. You feel very safe, you know nothing will ever happen to you with them around. But you'll still have to pick one. who?
  11. Thank you for taking this quiz! Please tell me what to make my next one about!

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