Just a quiz about toys

Quiz yourself on your knowledge of toys! What do you know about these popular toys anyway? Well, I've got some questions for you.

Ready to challenge yourself? Okay go ahead and start the quiz!

Created by: jessmaster
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what was the first toy advertised on television
  2. how much sheet metal does tonka use each year to make its trucks
  3. how many silly putty eggs are made each day
  4. what is the best selling hot wheels vehicle
  5. how many badges do you have to win before entering hoenn pokeon league
  6. how mant hot wheels cars have been produced since they debuted in 1968
  7. what is the best selling videio game of all time
  8. in the game of life witch careers only appears on one tile
  9. how long does it take to produce a slinky
  10. what toy did the astronauts on apollo 8 take witch them

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