JackSucksAtLife Quick Quiz!

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Ever wanted to test your knowledge of JackSucksAtLife? Take a test here and get a score to see if you're a fan, you like Jack, you don't know him, or if you're a top-star Jacker!

This is a Jacksucksatlife quiz for people who want to see if they know, or don't know Jack. So get ready! We're about to get into the hardest questions to see if you're really paying attention!

Created by: Peter
  1. Starting off easy. Who did JackSucksAtLife rob a 10m play button from?
  2. Now, how many subscribers was MrBeast's playbutton that got sent into space?
  3. How many of Jacks Channels are currently over 1 million subscribers?
  4. What were Jack's 2 editors?
  5. How much in debt is Jack, according to the last quiz video?
  6. Jack has ___ channels. Fill in the blank!
  7. JackSucksAtLife has approximately how many videos?
  8. JackSucksAtLife broke whose 100m subscriber playbutton?
  9. Jack is in a world record book. True, or false?
  10. Jack has a bunch of logo's stringed together. What is the name of such anomaly?
  11. Jack did not do what?
  12. Jack bought a $____ youtube channel. Fill in the blank!
  13. The amount of likes on the comment in the thumbnail "What are MY most LIKED Comments on Youtube?" had how many likes?
  14. JackSucksAtLife has how many subscribers?
  15. Jack undyed his hair on what day?

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