Is your School Haunted? | Comments

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  • omg my scool IS haunted. i got mental disorders. There was a gal who's mum used to pick her up almost evrday after school, but one day she refused to recognise her mother! after a while she fainted, and when she was consious again she refused to recognise anybody! And then few week later a guy, who was an on the front track tem, couldn't run! he just froze when he was about to run, and he was paralyzed! And when the doctors finnaly got him to move, he had broken an arm! many other little incidents have happened in my school! thnk god i left that school...

  • Is your School Haunted?
    Your Result: Mental Disorder

    There is no ghost and either you're just paranoid or that you're insane. Prescription:Therap y.

    no u are hoe!

  • One to Three Haunts 83%

    Just you're average typical school. Move along.

    Lucy Rascal
  • Therapy? No thanks. I like my crazy mind ;)

  • Mental disorder... Gee thank!:)......

    Lil hihi

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