Is it love or not?♥

Love is bending and binding and twisted. It is confusing and mean!! Are you the same way??? oh and i like pie!! Do you?? LoL. See I'm being all random and stuff because I have to have 150 caractors and it's a pain in the butt because i don't think I'm going to be able to do this much longer ie ie yi

Are you in love?? Ever wonder if it's meant to be?? Is it you or him/her?? Is it a dream?? How about reality?? Take this and find out!! Do you want a Llama? Do you take french? I do!!!

Created by: Maggie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When walking down the street do you randomly stop and kiss?
  2. If your sigificent other isn't around and you are extremly horny at a club what do you do?
  3. You're home watching a romance with your sibling's other. You....
  4. Hmmmm........
  5. Do you call your other?
  6. I love you you love me let's go make a family
  7. Do you go on dates?
  8. Are you living together?
  9. Do you live close?
  10. Are you even dating?

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