Is he the one???

many people just dont believe these things but maybe one day you will.. exceptionally this one.. vfghb uherg bh gfrhb fgb hfg bjnfg bfgnibnfgibidgfjbd,k

are you wondering what your love life really is like?find out now XD dhvufshbvgerhnugbvietrhbihnteijfnbvjdhvyfgriughuthugrtjubnhrgnibjnmfonbjdnfobnjifgnihbiitgn

Created by: alyssa
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you see him you..
  2. If he called you at 12:00 on your birthday you would...
  3. If he took you out[doesn't have to be a date] where would he most likely take you?
  4. Could you live with him??
  5. Can you tell him your feelings with out feeling weird?
  6. do you dream of him??
  7. Do you really think you can be with him?
  8. When you hear him say "i love you"...
  9. Have you almost kiss?
  10. are you wondering what you got??

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