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VERY WELL DONE! Close to perfection!VERY WELL DONE! Close to perfection!VERY WELL DONE! Close to perfection!VERY WELL DONE! Close to perfection!VERY WELL DONE! Close to perfection!VERY WELL DONE! Close to perfection!VERY WELL DONE! Close to perfection!

Created by: rAj18
  1. In the Series, D U I I U IV_ , which goes next?
  2. Johann took a quick jogging in the park after he went out of the house 6:15am according to his alarm clock. After he came back after the jogging exercise, he found out that one of the hands of his clock was broken. Even though that happened he could tell exactly how many minutes and seconds he had been gone. Can You?
  3. A jetplane crashed near the Los Angeles Fault,where should the survivors be buried?
  4. In the series: ALP, BET, THE, LAMB, MILK, which is the odd one out?
  5. how could you use TEN COINS for me to say I CONSENT
  6. RAJA means.....
  7. What place in the world can be R-rated?
  8. What does Supercalifragillisticexpialidocious means?
  9. Trigonometry is all about...
  10. A black man in all black who wore black glasses and had no teeth was waiting for a bus and a car with no lights stopped in front of him, how could this be possible?
  11. how many months in a standard calendar have 28 days?
  12. 11x11x11x11x11x11=?
  13. 98754x7683729-8738473x73462+34324x0x937473643=?

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