Internet Trivia

Internet trivia. Continue with caution. Only the toughest will survive. How much of your life do you spend sitting in a chair eating pork rinds? FInd out today!

I just wanted to make a quiz for one person to take. I shouldn't have to write 300 words about it. this is treason! I QUIT, Mr.krabs QUIIIIT.. That's right.

Created by: FrufDaQuizzer
  1. Which of these is a more recent meme? (According to know your meme)
  2. What does YTP stand for?
  3. What sense does ASMR cater to most?
  4. What was a Dial up connection most known for?
  5. What animal is a bunchie commonly compared to?
  6. Which is NOT a common internet saying?
  7. Nyan cat is what?
  8. Which is commonly associated with the internet?
  9. Which is NOT a popular youtube series?
  10. The quiz is over, get out

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