I need help for a new quiz (Svengali)

Hi I'm new here and I wanted to start a quiz sirirs but idk of what so you gonna help me pleaseWell I hope that says 0% .... if not I'd be scared .... Even though I don't know where you live :(:(....

Please help mwha :) it would be great! Well I hope that says 0% .... if not I'd be scared .... Even though I don't know where you live :(:(.... Ends when I get an idea also The fill out sheet is in the hidden box thingy

Created by: Svengali

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  1. Hi I'm new here and I was thinking about writing a story quiz
  2. But I wasn't sure weather just to do a story with you guys as the character or a love quiz
  3. Anyway in the comments can you guys tell me witch one I'm kindof confused
  4. Ok and just to be more evil I was thinking of doing a character contest because where ever this is going it's gotta have characters !! :)
  5. For character's I'm mainly looking for girls but a few boys could be helpful! They can be animals or humans
  6. Ok well that's it errm I'll just put some stuff about me below
  7. My name is pronounced Sv-en-ga-li how it's spelt but just remember the sv part :)
  8. My faverout colour is orange
  9. The Doll Svengali is owned by Derren Brown
  10. Bye and please comment

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