I'm back (for now...)

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Okay, so I have some explaining to do. I made this quiz to explain the reasoning behind my absence from this website. I want to be an active figure on this website again.

Please, please, please, please do not judge me for my old quizzes I made. The ones from a couple years ago. I just want to say a couple years ago I liked this video game. But I do NOT support that game anymore because of what the developer did. I don't want anybody to think I support that stuff. But anyway please do not judge me too hard for all the corny $h!t I wrote back then. I have changed into a less corny person. Hopefully. I know I will be embarrassed by this quiz in a few years.

Created by: Ash Midnight
  1. A couple years ago, I used to be an active member of this website. I loved to make and take quizzes. I had lots of fun.
  2. But then a new school year started and things changed. In the summer before the new school year I still made quizzes but less often. It was because I was busy adjusting to summer. (lame excuse, I know) Back to the new school year. I was adjusting to a new year and a new school. I was quite busy.
  3. Because I was focusing on other things, I did not log onto GTQ that much. Eventually, I just "died." It did not help that I had previously made quizzes on my school laptop, and the school decided to block GTQ...
  4. I wanted to come back, but since I did not have my laptop to use, and my phone does not work too well for typing quizzes, I couldn't come back. But there was another reason too.
  5. I was embarrassed. When I first made this account, I wrote quizzes that embarrass me now. They were about my personal problems. At the time, it felt good writing it on the internet. But now, it is just embarrassing. I was so corny and immature two years ago.
  6. Also, I couldn't come up with any quizzes to make! I had used up all my ideas. And when I did have an idea for a story or a quiz, I just did one chapter of it. I tried hard to make a second chapter to everything, but all my attempts have failed.
  7. So that is what happened. Now you have an explanation. I know nobody knows who I am and that nobody is ever gonna read this, but I just want to get this out there
  8. So since the school blocked GTQ, I couldn't access it. But now I have found an unblocker. I can access GTQ now!
  9. But... this means that I am solely depending on the unblocker for access to GTQ. That means if the unblocker gets blocked, I won't be able to go on this website...
  10. So if I "die" again, it's probably because of the stupid school software blocking every website known to man
  11. I will try to make at least one quiz every two weeks. That sounds fair, right?
  12. Just do me a favor and try not to judge me for the stupid quizzes I posted a couple years ago. They say nothing about me now. I don't even like any of the same stuff as I did before. Well actually that's not true. There's only one thing that I still like now, two years later. It's Sally Face.
  13. If you have survived this far, congrats. Thank you, bye.

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