I Can Trick You!

Only 1 out of 20 people can pass this intelligence test. Can you? Take this quiz to find out if you are smart or can be tricked pretty easily. 😛😜😜😍

Are you prepared to find out if you are smart? If you pass this, I'll be surprised.......but back on subject! Take the quiz! Im even surprised your still reading this!

Created by: rylinhuie
  1. You have a match, and you see a lamp, a candle, and piece of wood. Which should you light first?
  2. Some months have 31 days, and some have 30. How many have 28?
  3. A butcher is 6ft tall. He is very active. What does he weigh?
  4. A rooster layed an egg on top of a house. Which way did the egg fall?
  5. A cabin is on the side of a mountain. 3 people are found dead in it. What was the cause of their death?
  6. Mary's mom had 1 child. Then she had two more. How many children does she have in all?
  7. You take two of three apples. How many do you have?
  8. A woman starts at home, makes three left turns then is back at home. Now she passes two women in masks. Who were the two women?
  9. What occurs never in a week, once in a month, never in a year, and twice in Valentines Day?
  10. How is it possible for someone to have a birthday by Summer but was born in the Spring?

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