i can guess how old you are

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there are lots of clever people,then a few geniuses.wwhat is a genius? a genius is some was very VERY smart! do you want to be one? try this test and study a bit more!

are YOU A GENIUS???? don't know? well thanks to this test you can find out in a few minutes isn't this great!share this with friends and then comment then try again and again!

Created by: lily
  1. whats the first word u ever said
  2. when was your first kiss
  3. what does your name begin with
  4. your age?
  5. name u would want out of these
  6. witch looks funnest
  7. whats your fave pet
  8. clothes u wear
  9. do you wear glasses
  10. do you go to school still
  11. do you have a job

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