HTTYD: What Dragon Are You?

This quiz is here for people who want to know what type of dragon they are from the movies, shows, and books: How To Train Your Dragon. There are more dragons than what is in the quiz.

The types of dragons you could get are: Monstrous Nightmare, Deadly Nadder, Hideous Zippleback, Gronkle, Night Fury, Light Fury, Thunderdrum, Speed Stinger, Terrible Terror.

Created by: Stixs
  1. Favorite color?
  2. Favorite food?
  3. Favorite Genre?
  4. Favorite Sport?
  5. Favorite place?
  6. Favorite season?
  7. Biggest fear?
  8. Do you like surprises?
  9. What type of person are you?
  10. What type of person are you?

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Quiz topic: HTTYD: What Dragon am I?
