hpw to check if u are a nikki

Are you a nikki?( If this IS nikki i am sorry but this is funny, i am bored, and making fun of you is the only way to make me unbored.) SO take this test before nikki comes here to kill me.

So take this quiz to find out if you are a frisky sport freak, or a ten ton giant on a rampage to get the potato chips across the table. Some people may find this offensive but, c'mon this took me all of 10 seconds to make so don't complain.

Created by: asd

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How much do you weigh?
  2. When the teacher counts the students, you are counted as:
  3. DO you find thes quiz offensive?
  4. When you get off the bus, does it go up?
  5. If nikki is takeing this quiz, what should i do right now?
  6. What is your mile time?
  7. What did you get on sit ups?
  8. Do you run weekly?(not counting school)
  9. How many meals are in a day?
  10. Last question,do you run weird?

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