Howrse Knowledge

Are you clever and are you a horse freak? You better be! I am!! If you get less than 16% I will scream in shock! I am waaaaay to obsessed! You should be!

Ready to start the quiz? Of course you are! Now go get to it! Good luck!

Created by: sadie.meka
  1. What is the Howrse currency?
  2. How do you make a unicorn?
  3. When was howrse started?
  4. What is the newest breed right now- July 2012?
  5. What does a Mars divine do?
  6. How many days can you get an EC at?
  7. How many karma can you get?
  8. Do you like howrse?
  9. How many horses can you have
  10. Do you know what the answer is if 2X+32= 36

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