How Will You Die

Many people think they know how they are going to die but they dont! Many people think they are going to die in there sleep & become 100% sure of it 7 & die the very next day!

Do you know how your going to die? Even if you think you do you proberely dont actually know Take this quiz to find out HOW YOU WILL DIE!!!!! P.S this quiz only shows how likely you are out of the stuff on the last page

Created by: feaharo
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do you swim?
  2. Where do you work?
  3. How often do you go to the airport
  4. Where do you want to work
  5. Does anyone have a gruge on you
  6. How many friends do you have
  7. How popular are your secrets
  8. Where do you think you are going to die
  9. How fit are you
  10. How good are you at telling if something is going to poision you?

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Quiz topic: How will I Die