How well would we get along?

Hi! I'm making a random quiz because I'm bored. Enjoy! (Ugh, I'm supposed to write 150 more words...) bhgjfhdxsedcfvgjftdrcftcgvhvhjvhjvhjvvftgjjuyuutf


Created by: Pearl
  1. How friendly are you on a scale of 1 to 8? (1 being kind of cold, 8 being really friendly.)
  2. What is your sense of humor?
  3. Do you like to draw?
  4. Do you like animals
  5. How well do/did you do in school?
  6. Which one of these stereotypical groups do you fit into?
  7. What is your favorite conversation topic?
  8. What do you usually end up doing at parties?
  9. What is your favorite genre of movies/books?
  10. What quality do you look for in a friend?

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