How well u know TLBT Quiz

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Do u know The Land Before Time? Can you pass the quiz? Will u be smarter than me at it? How about this...TAKE THE QUIZ AND FIND OUT!!! You never will find out if u don't take it...

Do u know The Land Before Time? Can you pass the quiz? Will u be smarter than me at it? How about this...TAKE THE QUIZ AND FIND OUT!!! You never will find out if u don't take it....

Created by: Godzilla27
  1. Who does the voice of Grandma Longneck in movies I-VI?
  2. Who voices Grandpa Longneck?
  3. What is Littlefoot's favorite food?
  4. Who did Littlefoot hatch on accident?
  5. Who is Littlefoot's cousin?
  6. What is Cera's dad's real name?
  7. Who doesn't show up until the TV series?
  8. Who is Doc's "lady friend"?
  9. Can Spike talk?
  10. (Sorry if u don't know this) How old are Grandma and Grandpa in human years?

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