how well do you know Yu-Gi-Oh?

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Yu-Gi-Oh is a huge franchise with 4 different series,all with a huge group of people who watch it. Are you a god of yu-gi-oh? Do you have a brain made of training cards? try your best!

hello, oh mighty quiz Dude. Here is a new quiz with 10 questions for you to test your knowlage of yu-gi-oh and its 3 spinoff's. Be prepared for a amazing quiz!

Created by: gorbor25
  1. Is there a new series named Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal Comming out?
  2. Who is Marik?
  3. Who voices Yugi?
  4. How many episodes are there in Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's?
  5. How many books were in the first series of Yu-Gi-Oh?
  6. How many yu-Gi-Oh movies are there?
  7. When did yu-gi-oh Come out?
  8. Whitch Yu-Gi-Oh Protaganist looks like a kuriboh?
  9. What is the name of the game in Yu-Gi-oh?
  10. How Many Yu-Gi-Oh Series have been announced?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Yu-Gi-Oh?