How well do you know your poptarts?

The N.A.O.P.E. wants to know if you have the poptart know how to hang with the big dogs. Whats the N.A.O.P.E.? Why only the National Association of Poptart Eaters, and are world renowned for their knowledge and love of the tasty treats.

How much do you really know about poptarts? Can you beat the quiz developed by the most knowledgeable minds in the poptart universe? Its time to find out, good luck.

Created by: N.A.O.P.E.
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which Flavor is not real?
  2. How long do the microwave directions on the side of a poptart's box say to microwave the poptarts for?
  3. How many poptarts come in each pouchof poptarts?
  4. Inside a poptarts box of "12 toaster pastries" how many pouches are within?
  5. True or false..... There are currently only 2 poptarts splits Flavors.
  6. On the poptarts website there is a dance game, how many different song options are there?
  7. What color are the sprinkles on the new Chocolate/Vanilla splits poptarts?
  8. which poptart is used as a mascot for the slogan "Freeze em and eat em"?
  9. True or False... Poptarts gets their printed fun poptarts questions from trivial pursuit for kids.
  10. True or False.... Smores and Strawberry Flavored poptarts both contain egg whites.
  11. Poptarts are ______
  12. Is it Cinnamon Brown Sugar poptarts or Brown Sugar Cinnamon?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my poptarts?