How well do you know your geography?

do you know your geography well? if so take this test. that way you will know you are a true geography genius also, you will know some of this stuff if you keep up with the times.

are you in the geography club at your school? if so this test should be a cinch. keeping up with the world news might help you out on this one to. Good luck!

Created by: Allison
  1. what is the capital of Finland?
  2. what country in Africa recently split into north and south?
  3. what 2 countries are landlocked inside of south Africa?
  4. which European country is farther north?
  5. which state in the US has parishes, not towns.
  6. What is the capital of Canada?
  7. where did the huge flood in Australia hit hardest?
  8. what is the Capital of Australia?
  9. the former U.S.S.R. consisted mainly of...
  10. U.S.S.R. stands for..

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my geography?