How well do you know warrior cats? (HARD)

How well do you know warriors? This quiz is pretty hard, I have to admit, to those beginners in warriors. You should take this quiz to find out your true knowledge of warriors!

How well do you know warriors? This quiz is pretty hard, I have to admit, to those beginners in warriors. You should take this quiz to find out your true knowledge of warriors! If you get a bad score, study more!!!

Created by: Omega_Wolf

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Leopardstar's favorite fish? (it WAS mentioned)
  2. What is Spottedleaf's eye color?
  3. Who REALLY killed Redtail?
  4. Which of the following was actually a leader name?
  5. Who is Tallstar's mother?
  6. What is the last code in the Warrior Code book?
  7. Which is not a Clan (made up?)
  8. Where did Leafstar make her Clan's home at?
  9. What does Heatherpaw look like? (Erin made SO many mistakes in the book -.-)
  10. How did Hollyleaf die?
  11. What is Stonetooth's description in Yellowfang's Secret?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know warrior cats? (HARD)