How well do you know U.S History

u.s history do this quiz funny comments on answers you pick and dumb questons so if u pick that u will see a funny comment so come on what are u waiting for do my quiz

are u really good at history maybe your last relationship history of boyfriend or girlfriend but no this is different im talking about u.s history do u have the brain or something else like a peanut for a brain

Created by: Davion
  1. During what year did Abraham Lincoln get elected president?{HINT not the civil war
  2. Before the U.S became a independent nation from great Britain, who ruled in a government called a monarchy. (dictatorship)
  3. Which of are founding fathers bought the Louisiana purchase
  4. Who wrote a pamphlet called common sense
  5. Who created the idea that a president only serves two terms
  6. What was the route called where all the slaves died in the MIDDLE of the way to the americas
  7. What did Nat Turners rebellion do in the south.
  8. Who had cancer in the mouth during his time as president
  9. Did Abraham Lincoln free the slaves
  10. What was the alcohol abuse movement called

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Quiz topic: How well do I know U.S History