How well do you know the things we made up

I don't really like pasta but its an ok side dish when it comes to grilled cheese and Randall Joos who really likes grilled cheese and theres a man who hates him though and wants to marry a cat.

Magma Thundermort Adamort Eliana Celeste Raina DarkSun Harrypotte rmeenah Rose Theevildad Randalljoos Themoon Snakeymcspiderson Screamingtreewolf Dumbledore Chortalort and

Created by: SilverMoon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What animals did we used to pretend to be in the park?
  2. What did Professor Okra do?
  3. What were the names of the two warrior tribes?
  4. Who killed Adamort?
  5. What flower was used as eyes?
  6. Who was the last Mort?
  7. Why does Celeste have a scar on her ankle?
  8. True/False: Harry Potter died.
  9. True/False: Harry Potter died.
  10. What creature did Eliana create by combining the 3 legendary water creatures?
  11. What was the end to the clans?
  12. Who does Magma hate the most?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the things we made up