How well do you know the SF Giants?

There are 800,000 people who live in sf. But do you know about their MLB team the Giants! Have to finish: and then get a diet for a diet and then get a diet diet for

How well do YOU know the Giants! Take the quiz to find out in a few minutes! Have to finish: by a few years of age to play baseball with the other team and

Created by: Loltz25075

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How many World Series have they won since the year 2000?
  2. Which 3 World Series have they won?
  3. What are the Giants main color
  4. Who is the Giants star player?
  5. In the World Series in 2014, when it was bases loaded and a player hit a single to win the World Series against the Dodgers. Who was the person who hit the single?
  6. What did the San Francisco Giants used to take place in?
  7. Who is the famous player of the giants
  8. Are the Giants American League or National League?
  9. Which player hit the most home runs of the 2017 season?
  10. Who is the gians rivalry?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the SF Giants?