How well do you know sci-fy television?

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There is much possibility in todays culture to become a sci-fi geek. do you stand up to me in your knowledge of science-fiction? why not take this quiz.

This is one of those rare times that i have taken my time on a quiz instead of Bulls---ting my way through it an being hated for it, so please take it.

Created by: natebuscus1
  1. In the television program: "Doctor Who" the silence are-
  2. The channel that has a reputation for terrible science-fiction movies is:
  3. The channel syfy recently released a video game tie in show called:
  4. In the scifi movie "sharknado" got an average rating of:
  5. If faced with the choice to become immortal your answer is...
  6. South park has parodied how many science-fiction movies/shows?
  7. If youlearned of life on other worlds and nobody else knew, would you tell.
  8. The movie Alien versus predator spawned a game as well. what rating was it/they given
  9. Approximately how many bbc sci-fy shows are still featured on air?
  10. In non-paradoxical time travel, will your actions affect the future?
  11. in paradoxical time travel will your actions affect you?
  12. in paradoxical time travel will your actions affect the future?
  13. For a movie or show to be considered sci-fy it must pass very tight standards.
  14. What has been the most bizzare explosion in the history of sci-fy
  15. Aliens was created in what year?
  16. A xenmorph is an/a:
  17. What year was the first scifi movie created.
  18. A xenmorphs blood color is:

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Quiz topic: How well do I know sci-fy television?