How Well Do You Know Princess Celestia?

Hello everyone. This is a Princess Celestia test called "How Well Do You Know Princess Celestia. This is a test where you actually know Princess Celestia or you don't. If you fail this test then you get an F... Lets see and start the quiz now.

Before you start I just want you to know if you fail, you get a F. If you don't fail, you get an A+. Princess Celestia is one of my favourite princess. Now enjoy my quiz no actually A HARD TEST. Or whatever I don't know is it's hard or easy.🦄. NOW ENJOY MY TEST!!!

Created by: Tia
  1. So firstly, where does Princess Celestia live?
  2. What cutie mark does Princess Celestia have?
  3. What powers do Princess Celestia have?
  4. How many colours does Princess Celestia have on her hair and what's the colour of the hair?
  5. Does Princess Celestia have a sister and what's her name?
  6. Does Princess Celestia have a student and who's her/his name?
  7. Did Princess Celestia's student turned into an alicorn?
  8. Is this true or false "Princess Celestia is bigger than her sister?"
  9. What colour is Princess Celestia's skin?
  10. What type of princess is Princess Celestia?
  11. Is Princess Celestia born as a alicorn, unicorn, pegasus or a pony?
  12. Last, what is Princess Celestia's favourite colour.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Princess Celestia?
