How well do you know Percy Jackson

Do you think you know everything about Percy Jackson? Or are you a casual fan? There are only a few people who can say they know everything. Do you want to test your knowledge?

Are you a true fan? Take this quiz to find out! I wrote this ages ago, so just try it out and see what happens. It's really easy to be honest, but it's just some fun

Created by: Nali
  1. What does Percy's sword turn into?
  2. What is the first line of the first Great Prophecy?
  3. What is the first thing Percy hears Annabeth say
  4. Who tries to stuff Percy's head down a toilet
  5. What tree is Thalia from the first book to the end of the second?
  6. Who is Nico and Bianca's father
  7. What does Annabeth call Percy
  8. Who goes mad in the Labyrinth
  9. Who are the two heroes that die in the third book
  10. Who is the hero referred to in the first Great prophecy

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Percy Jackson