How well do you know Patty B?

I'm just curious as to how well people know me. I have a decent number of friends, but how many people actually know about my cars and where I've lived and such.

Do you know how many pets I've had or where I was born? In a few minutes we'll all find out now won't we!? Nervous much? You should be. I mean, you shoudn't be - it's all for fun.

Created by: PattyB
  1. What was my first car?
  2. Did I ever own a lizard?
  3. Was I ever a cheerleader?
  4. Was I a band geek?
  5. Where was I born?
  6. Where was my first job?
  7. Where'd I move when I parents got divorced?
  8. Of the following places, where have I NEVER lived. . .
  9. Have I ever broken a bone?
  10. How many children do I have?
  11. What's my FAVORITE food?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Patty B?