How well do you know one direction

This is a quiz about one direction How well do you know one direction are you a true directioner or not if so try this quiz out to see if you can get them all right.

Are you a genius when it comes to one direction or are you just dumb because you dont know nothing about one direction but thanks to this quiz in just a few minutes you will find out

Created by: Alyssa
  1. what is harrys middle name?
  2. what tv show did one direction try out on?
  3. who is the oldest of one direction?
  4. who is the youngest of one direction?
  5. Who came up with the name one direction?
  6. When is Harrys birthday?
  7. Where is Nialls favorite place to eat?
  8. How many sisters does louis have?
  9. What are louis sisters names
  10. How many sisters does Harry have?
  11. What band was Harry in before one direction?
  12. How was Zayns name originally spelled?
  13. Who is from Ireland?
  14. How old is Zayn?
  15. Who is known as the quiet one?
  16. Who is know as the Daddy Directioner?
  17. Who is know as the funny one?
  18. Who is known as the food lover?
  19. Who is known as the flirt?
  20. Which person of one direction sang this line "I just want to show you off to all of my friends making them drool down their chiny chin chin"
  21. What was one directions first single?
  22. Which one direction member sang this line "So c-come on you got it wrong to prove im right I put it in a so-ong I dont know why your being shy"
  23. Finish this line yes I like the way you smile with your eyes other guys see it but dont relize that its my my my lover
  24. Last question are all of the members of one direction british

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Quiz topic: How well do I know one direction