How well do you know nick jonas

Have you ever wondered how big of a Nick Jonas fan you are? Now you can find out. I have done reaserch and every queston has a answer that is true....Have fun and answer each question honestly.

This quiz has a few short questions that i'd like you to answer honetlsy.......Have fun.......As soon as your done this quiz you'll find out your result....Have fun!!!!

Created by: randee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When and where was Nick born?
  2. What is Nicks chinese horoscope sign?
  3. What is his fave food?
  4. What is his fave drink?
  5. What is Nicks fave dessert?
  6. What is his fae Holiday?
  7. Who is his Celeb Crush?
  8. What does Nick look for in a girl?
  9. What is Nicks age?
  10. Of his top 6 fave things which is number 1?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know nick jonas