How well do you know my blue nose friends?

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hello so you reckon you r better then wise the owl when it comes to blue nose friends?i dont thinks so or do i?if you really reckon you can beat him enter this quiz.

do you want to know if you are wise the owl?find out if you follow this quiz you have the brainpower come you can do it!thanks for trying if you do.

Created by: Megan
  1. What is melodys number?
  2. what animal is toots?
  3. do you collect blue nose friends?
  4. the outspoken ram who always has an_
  5. the wild boars name is
  6. chip is an
  7. how many blue nose friends are there?
  8. where can you not get blue nose friends?
  9. do you go on blue nose friends website?
  10. where is the most populaur place to go to get blue nose friends?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my blue nose friends?