How Well Do You Know Minecraft?

My quiz is about Minecraft because I am an epic pro at it if you would like to comment on it I would be happy to read them. Pls do this one I worked really hard on it.

I played Minecraft since I was five years old I play whenever I have the chance to do it it is still super fun but I play with mods its so fun when you can sit on an Ender Dragon.

Created by: FuzzyFern
  1. Is it true that dragon eggs float when put in minecarts.
  2. Can you put dragon's breath in a bottle?
  3. Is it true that parrots die when you feed them cookies?
  4. Is it true that in 1.16.2 cats can be created by ocelots?
  5. How do you tame a cat in Minecraft?
  6. How do you make a wither boss?
  7. How do you make a potion stand?
  8. How do you get a grass block?
  9. How do use you use an elytra?
  10. Witch Minecraft boss.

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Minecraft?
