How well do you know me?

This is a quiz to see how much people I know, know about me. So, this is basically for my friend who made me take one, and know i'm getting my revenge by making her take one. Lol.

I don't feel like typing another one, so here, i will just copy and paste what i already typed. This is a quiz to see how much people I know, know about me. So, this is basically for my friend who made me take one, and know i'm getting my revenge by making her take one. Lol.

Created by: Jordanna

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's my brother's name.
  2. What nickname do I call my best friend.
  3. Who is my least favorite aunt, the one I call Lurch?
  4. Who was my first actor crush, and from what movie.
  5. What is my favorite movie?
  6. How many times did I see it in the movie theater?
  7. What is my favorite color?
  8. What was my first pet's name?
  9. What is my middle name?
  10. What is my favorite school subject?
  11. Who is my favorite band/singer?
  12. What do I want to be when I grow up?
  13. Do I want children?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?