How well do you know me?

This quiz is about me! I am just wondering how many people think they know me! How about you take this quiz to find out!! Dont be afraid!! The answers are pretty easy!

So you think you know me huh? Are you my friend or foe??Well take this quiz and find out! Are you my friend or not?? Answer these questions to find out!

Created by: Charlene of chars page
(your link here more info)
  1. What it my first name?
  2. Where did I grow up?
  3. Whats my youngest sisters name?
  4. What was my first job?
  5. How old am I?
  6. What is my birthday?
  7. Where did I leave for 2 years of my life?
  8. How many siblings do I have?
  9. Who was my first kiss??
  10. Are we friends?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?