How well do you know life with boys?

There are alot of people that think they are experts at something.Which brings us here to this quiz.Lets see how well you know Life with boys.Hope you enjoy! you know Life with boys??let's find out in a few more minutes.(depends how fast you can read😉)Ok so here we go!!!!!!and!!!!Go find out if you know Life with boys!

Created by: Ginnyprincess
  1. Who is the main character?
  2. Who is Tess's best friend?
  3. Who is Tess's twin?
  4. Who is Tess's dad?
  5. Who does Gabe date?
  6. How old is Spencer?
  7. How old is Tess?
  8. Who does Tess date for two episodes? (I think it's two)
  9. What does Tess do?
  10. Does Tess have a sister?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know life with boys?