How Well Do You Know L'Arc-en-Ciel?

Do you know your L'arc-en-ciel no? Well you came to the right place come find out how much you know about the bigest band in japan!!! So lets see how much you know about hyde/ tetsu /yukihiro/ken and have fuuunn!!

This quiz will quiz you and quiz!! You! So come and see how much you know about L'arc-en-ciel noww!!! And the hole gang hyde/ tetsu /yukihiro/ken.

Created by: sheepy
  1. What is the lead singer's name?
  2. Who plays the guitar in L'Arc-en-CIEL?
  3. Who plays bass?
  4. WHAT mouth is HYDES birthday in?
  5. What's LA'rc-en-ciel newes't album?
  6. Who did HYDE marry??
  7. What day did HYDE get married on?
  8. What blood type is ken?
  9. When is yukihiro birthday?
  10. Who do you think is hotter?

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