How well do you know Justin Bieber?

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There are many beliebers but a few true beliebers if you think you got what it takes then take my quiz never say never and believe in yourself anything is possible

Are you a belieber? Do you love Justin bieber? Will you stick by his side no matter what? Take my quiz and find out never say never and believe in yourself

Created by: EcstasyLeri of quotev
(your link here more info)
  1. What was Justin Bieber's Favourite song in 2010/2
  2. Does Justin write with his left hand or right hand?
  3. In which singers song was Justin's voice in the staring?
  4. When did Avalanna die?
  5. Which one of the following is Justin Bieber's celebrity crush?
  6. Which one of the songs of JB's went 1 billion+ views in 2014
  7. Was is Raining,Snowing,Sunny or thundering when justin was boring
  8. Which actor/singer started a twitter fued with Justin?
  9. Which is Justin's favourite movie from below
  10. What's the FIRST SONG justin SANG in front of a hall of people?
  11. What's the FIRST SONG JB RECORDED?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Justin Bieber?