How well do you know Iron Maiden?

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Iron Maiden fans are really loyal, and are awesome! We're all nice, kind to each other and we're all family we've never met! Same with Metalheads, family we've never met. When a Maiden concert comes around, you'll meet a lot of awesome people that are loyal and nice! But of course, there are also the stupid people who are grumpy and don't wanna talk. Ignore those guys, they can be rude :(

This is a quiz for the Metalheads! Are you a TRUE Maiden fan? Take this quiz to find out! Eddie wants you to ace it, you better Be Quick Or Be Dead! If you fail you'll be Fearing The Dark, cause you know Eddie is always there. Haha!

Created by: Kat
  1. Why is Eddie's name Eddie The Head?
  2. What is Bruce's full name?
  3. What Iron Maiden album just came out in 2015?
  4. What is on the B-Side of Wasted Years?
  5. When did Janick Gers join the band?
  6. How old is Nicko McBrain? (2017)
  7. What brand of Basses and Guitars do they use?
  8. What is on the B-side of Stranger In A Strange Land?
  9. Is it true you can get Trooper Beer from the Trooper VIP package?
  10. Last question woohooooo!! Alrighty... Does Steve play Bass with a pick or with his fingers?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Iron Maiden?