how well do you know hello kitty

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there are many peole out there who think they know all anbout hello kitty.I dont think they really are untill they take this quiz and get a high score.

are you the hello kitty expert???You could find out if you take this quiz......with these hard questions only the true hello kitty know it all's will know the answers

Created by: adrian
  1. this is my first quiz so be nice..:)
  2. what is hello kitty's original name
  3. when was hello kitty made
  4. what color was hello kittys bow originally
  5. hello kitty is prodced by the _____________company
  6. when was hello kitty first introduced into america
  7. hello kitty was created by
  8. what is hello kitty's nationality
  9. i cant think of anymore questions
  10. why did you take this quiz

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Quiz topic: How well do I know hello kitty