How Well Do You Know Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

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Hey, there! Care to see how much you know about Harry Potter an the Goblet of Fire? Then take this quiz! It has 23 relevant question, most of which don't require a quick research to answer.

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Created by: Adora the Kind
  1. Does Harry enter his name into the Goblet of Fire?
  2. At first, does Harry want to be in the Triwizard Tournament?
  3. Who helps Harry with the second task in the end?
  4. Who gets angry at Harry because he/she thinks that Harry entered his own name into the Goblet of Fire?
  5. Who founded S.P.E.W.?
  6. What does S.P.E.W. stand for?
  7. What did the goblet of fire look like?
  8. What color were the flames coming from the goblet of fire?
  9. What was the third task?
  10. What did Harry do for the first task?
  11. Did Harry get hurt in the first task?
  12. What was the clue for the second task?
  13. What was inside of the clue?
  14. What was the second task?
  15. What did Harry use to help him stay underwater?
  16. What were the names of Harry's components?
  17. What methods did Harry's components use to stay underwater in the second task?
  18. Who were the people down in the lake the Triwizard contestants had to rescue?
  19. Who did Harry rescue?
  20. In the second task, Harry:
  21. What was the third task?
  22. When Harry and Cedric Diggory touched the Triwizard Cup, they found it was a portkey that took them to a graveyard. In the grave yard:
  23. What were the three school competing in the Triwizard Tournament?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?
