How well do you know Full House

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Welcome! This is a How Well Do you Know "Full House" quiz. Do you know the basics or the tiny details? You'll find out in this quiz!! We're about to expose how much you truly know about this show!

Do you know the middle names of all the characters? Have you payed attention to the tiny details? Do you think you do? Well you're about to find out for sure.

Created by: Elle
  1. What's Michelle's middle name?
  2. What did Jesse put in the friendship box the Joey and Danny dug up from years ago?
  3. How did Jesse's family say you get married in Greece?
  4. How did Michelle lose her memory?
  5. What's Danny's middle name
  6. Where did Joey move rooms into after he got upset that we wasn't being treated well?
  7. When a young Greek cousin came to town who did he/she look identical to?
  8. What's the name of DJ's favorite stuffed animal?
  9. What animal did DJ desperately want that her and Kimmy split the money for
  10. What band/singer did one of the Full House family members win tickets on the radio to see?
  11. Who did Danny kiss that DJ was NOT happy about
  12. Who guest starred and took Jesse's old band and made a hit single?
  13. Where did DJ and Steve become an OFFICIAL couple.
  14. When Michelle tried to find a new hobby which one resulted in throwing stuff out the window with Stephanie?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Full House
